2014년 10월 11일 토요일

Four days later of "Study in real time" 51% up

            Four days later of "Study in real time"

Study in real time

This is good example of “Breaking gap theory”
I will use it for our study later
At any rate 
Shall we see what is next in real time?

One day later of "Study in real time"

it is real time record of "study in real time" theory
you would better trust it rather than trust "News or fundamental analysis" 

2014년 10월 5일 일요일

one day later of "Study in real time"

Study in real time

This is good example of “Breaking gap theory”
I will use it for our study later
At any rate 
Shall we see what is next in real time?

One day later of "Study in real time"

it is real time record of "study in real time" theory
you would better trust it rather than trust "News or fundamental analysis" 

Study in real time

Study in real time

This is good example of “Breaking gap theory”
I will use it for our study later
At any rate  
Shall we see what is next in real time?

For Korean speakers:
오리콤 이라는 종목입니다.
오늘 일요일이니까, (105) 내일 월요일 6일 날 종목 주시해 보지요.
왜냐하면 돌파갭 이론을 훗날 설명하기 위함입니다.

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